4 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

What is Imposter Syndrome – Self Doubt Amplified. Imposter Syndrome comes from a mindset of fear; it comes from the idea that we aren’t good enough. It comes from a number of experiences we’ve had and haven’t had. I actually experienced it for a moment last week when I was writing my caption to celebrate 30k views. I literally felt the resistance, but knew it wasn’t God and pushed through it.

Why do we experience it? We experience it when we are starting something new; we experience it when we feel like we aren’t all the way qualified for something based on criteria or title. We experience it as creators; we are putting things out that we consider to be valuable, that we consider to be art and hoping that it resonates and carries over with others. I have definitely felt imposter syndrome while being in the creative industry, but the more I do the work, the easier it becomes to beat. That said I’m sharing 4 ways to overcome imposter syndrome.

4 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Overcome Imposter Syndrome by Showing up + Putting Yourself Out There

One way to overcome imposter syndrome is to actually show up and put yourself out there. That is the real way to overcome it. I started my blogging journey in 2017 and it felt weird calling myself a blogger because I was so new to the game, but in order for me to have the confidence to continue to show up for myself and others, I needed to keep showing up. Two years in, I’m definitely a blogger and that’s the title I like to roll with. People may wonder if that’s a “real thing” or if “blogging is dead”,  but as long as I’m sharing posts, I will absolutely make it known that blogging is still a thing.

We’re often so worried about what the next person will think that we don’t step fully into what it is we want to become. The Bible tells us as a man thinks in his heart so is he. If you believe and think in your heart that you are a blogger or entrepreneur, or whatever your ideal title/calling is, then you are; don’t let your mind keep you bound by imposter syndrome. We ALL have to begin somewhere. Step into what you are and put some action behind it, for you FIRST and foremost.

Your action is tied to your mindset and beliefs. If you feel like an imposter in the space you are desiring to operate from, it will always feel like that until you take action and move into what it is you want. The more you act the more you realize you can do what it is you want to do. The more you act the more you rewire your mind. The more you act the easier it becomes. It starts with you. God wants to help you move, but you have to also do your part and take action by showing up.

Believe and Stand Behind Your Unique Experiences

I often spend time thinking about what God wants me to do in a time such as this. Why was it important for me to be alive now? Why am I drawn to and passionate about social media and personal brands? I think about the ways he has crafted my experiences and how all of those things are a direct reflection of how I show up everyday. Learning and leaning into those experiences helped me overcome imposter syndrome.

Each of our experiences is just that; ours. Instead of letting imposter syndrome scare you out of sharing, use those experiences and your story to help shift how someone else thinks or operates. We each have a responsibility to ourselves, but also to those who follow us and interact with us. Something as small as being conscious about using black vendors for our wedding or skipping things related to our wedding; that experience was necessary so someone else could know, okay, I don’t have to do those things or those things don’t make or break our union. It may not be everyone, but your personal brand and experience is for someone.

I overcame imposter syndrome as far as wine and rose by sharing how I got to the point of even drinking it. I’m not a wine expert by any means and because I’m connected to so many amazing women who know their stuff, I have for sure felt like, oh boy, I’m not as well versed as them, but I had my own experience and mine is just as valid. Now every summer I share my unique experience with my must try roses list and every year I share, I get further and further away from the feeling of imposter syndrome.

4 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Affirm That God Needs to do a Work In and Through You

Another way to overcome imposter syndrome is by understanding and realizing that God needs to do a work in and through you. Similar to the section above, each of us has our own experience and God needs to use you to reach more people. Looking at the work that needs to be done from that perspective gives me peace because I know I’m not being led astray. I know that whatever God does through me will always be better than what I can expect.

Affirming that God needs to do this work through you will absolutely give you more courage to show up and not only show up, but do so confidently. Your confidence won’t allow you to succumb to imposter syndrome if you know what it is you need to do. Allow yourself to be used, allow your mind to be transformed by being obedient to what it is you are called to do. Don’t let imposter syndrome keep you bound, when you know you are meant to do much bigger things.

Celebrate Your Wins to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Celebrating your wins is key for overcoming imposter syndrome. I still get excited about every little thing that comes my way because I know every good and perfect gift is from above. Every win you celebrate is another piece of your puzzle that adds to and further confirms you’re on the right track. Celebrating your wins squashes imposter syndrome because now you have actual proof that you are doing this thing. I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years now and it still excites me every time my anniversary rolls around. I’m a blogger ya’ll!

Celebrate the emails you receive from brands, EVEN IF they aren’t someone you would work with. Celebrate the fact that someone slid into your inbox. Receive that experience with the right mindset and more will come to you. You have the ability to rewire your mind. You have the ability to overcome the feeling of not being who you actually desire to be. You have to acknowledge and celebrate where you are so you can have the right mindset to receive more.

Imposter Syndrome is real, but it doesn’t have to be something you succumb to; it doesn’t have to be the thing that stops you from fully being who you are. Recognize it and take conscious action to overcome it and change your mind about it.

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  1. September 28, 2020 / 12:18 pm

    “We’re often so worried about what the next person will think that we don’t step fully into what it is we want to become. The Bible tells us as a man thinks in his heart so is he. If you believe and think in your heart that you are a blogger or entrepreneur, or whatever your ideal title/calling is, then you are; don’t let your mind keep you bound by imposter syndrome.”

    This is it!! This is really the confirmation I have been asking God for. I have only been blogging since my birthday (May 04,2020) – I am few months into the game and I kept telling myself..”I am a blogger” multiple times a day everyday… The fact that I am reading the SAME information in this post is really just confirmation that I have found my purpose. Truly a message from God. Thank you so much for sharing this post, Jazmyn!

    • Jazmyn
      September 28, 2020 / 1:21 pm

      This absolutely made my day Khira and you ARE a Blogger! Period! I’m so proud of you for you being in the right mindset to continue to speak that over yourself that is the real gem. As you’ve spoken, so you are; You’re so so welcome, I’m glad I shared it, blesses me as much as it blessed you!

  2. Ebony
    September 28, 2020 / 3:47 pm

    These were so good Jazmyn!! This part “we are putting things out that we consider to be valuable, that we consider to be art and hoping that it resonates and carries over with others,” really spoke to me. That is exactly how I feel and it gets scary that nobody will care or want to read it. Like you said we keep showing up for ourselves. I have been talking about blogging for over 5 years and I know it’s what God has called me to do. Thanks for sharing this!

    • Jazmyn
      September 28, 2020 / 4:02 pm

      Thanks so much for reading Ebony! It definitely can be scary, but we have to show up! I’m so glad that you’re stepping into what he has called you to do, it has more perks and benefits that anything!

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