Your best girls morning routine is here and ready for you. As a postpartum mama of 2 under 3 who works and stays at home, routines are key. The benefit of being at home means flexibility, but I thrive when I have something in place.
Whether you have a set morning routine or need to create one. You’ll get everything you need to create your best girls morning routine.

Achieving The Best Girls Morning Routine
Understand Your Mornings
Creating a routine means understanding what has to happen and what you’re trying to achieve. When creating any routine, in this case your morning one I like to look at a few things.
- Non-negotiables that must happen
- What I would like to happen
- Things that bring me joy that I would like to be able to do before starting my day
Once you have an idea of these categories, then you can start building out your elevated girls morning routine.
Non-negotiables for me as a SAHM look way different than someone who may have to commute. Making sure you have gas is a non-negotiable, if you stop for coffee, making sure you leave early enough to accommodate that. A non-negotiable for my best girls morning routine is getting myself ready in some capacity or form. I must shower and get dressed.
I would love to do my makeup everyday, but most days end up not doing it. Things that bring me joy, having silence in the morning. My drink of the day or a hearty breakfast pick me up after around 10:30 am.
Goals for the Day
Are you working towards something beyond your job or beyond being a mama? This blog is my thing. I’m getting back to creating this year so I for sure need daily goals. Break down the things that you need to get done for the week or the next week and chop away at them daily.
Time Block When You Can
This is not a one size fits all suggestion. Timers and time blocks are great for accomplishing as much as you can undisturbed if you’re easily distracted.
If you’re not a huge fan of timers, try to do things at or around the same time. This can also be done if you write things down in a digital or physical planner. As always though everything is subject to change.
Track Your Progress Using a Habit Tracker
Outside of it being a new year, creating a best girls morning routine habit tracker is nice. It’s a great way to check your consistency. This is great for self check ins when you feel like you’re not doing enough.
Another reason to track your progress, skincare and waiting for physical changes, gives you those hard dates to remember. Lastly tracking your progress is a great way to celebrate yourself in the end.
Actually Do Your Morning Routine and Celebrate Your Progress
To know if you’re living in the overflow of your best girls morning routine, you have to actually do it. Another out for 2025 is saying things don’t work and quitting. Give enough time to whatever you’re going after. We really have to break that instant gratification mindset and let things grow.
Can things happen instantly? Of course, but there is a season to sow and a season to reap. Once you’ve done your routine consistently for any amount of days, celebrate.
What’s the best part of your routines?
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