7 Devotionals For Building Confidence in Yourself

BEING confident is easier said then done, but like anything else, confidence in yourself can be built and refined over time. When I was younger I wasn’t confident at all. Human nature causes us to care what others think and crave that attention, but confidence allows us to stand on the other side of that, not from a place of arrogance, but a place of understanding that those outside factors don’t determine the direction of our life.

One thing about me, I’m going to read some devotionals as well as dive deeper into scripture because the truth is I need God constantly and the confidence that I have now, is a direct result of being in fellowship with him. At some point going to yourself for a confidence boost isn’t going to be enough; you’ll need to add onto the work you are doing.  I remember when I first decided that I was going to spend as much free time as I could reading scriptures and devotionals. In 2017 the months leading up to my blog launch I was in the word!

I promise you that time really shifted my confidence and I know it can help you do the same to build confidence in yourself. It can be tough to read scripture if it’s not a muscle you exercise daily, but devotional are the perfect way to get yourself familiar. I recently finished my first 1 year devotional and I’m so proud of myself because it’s so easy to fall off and so easy to just stop the plan after so many days of falling off, but discipline.

Below I’m sharing 7 devotionals to build confidence in yourself.

7 Devotionals For Building Confidence in Yourself

Devotionals for Building Self Confidence

  • Now With Natalie: Unashamed
  • The Confident Woman Devotional – Joyce Meyer
  • New Day, New You – Joyce Meyer
  • 30 Days to Greater Faith
  • Better Than Normal
  • Personal Growth
  • A Life Without Fear

These devotionals as well as the ones I shared in 8 Devotionals Every Entrepreneur Needs to Read and 34 of My Favorite Devotionals posts can be found on the You Version Bible App. Another tip I want to share to help build confidence in yourself, but also in your ability to decipher scripture is to try reading it in a different version. I normally read NKJV, but recently started reading in the NLT version. MSG or AMP versions are also perfect if you’ve just started to dive in.

I love sharing devotionals with you all and I love sharing ways in which you can improve your mindset with resources from the source himself. I want to see you believing in yourself and operating from a place of having confidence in yourself. You’re deserving of a confident energy and spirit.

Are there any devotionals that you’ve read lately that boosted your spirit and gave you confidence?


  1. January 7, 2021 / 3:42 am

    I love this Jaz! Great post! I’m wondering the connect of what God is telling me right now because I just finished reading my daily devotional – Now with Natalie Unashamed lol, then I read your email/blog. Perfect timing!

    • Jazmyn
      January 7, 2021 / 9:06 am

      Thanks for reading Bianca! That’s definitely confirmation there, I’m so excited, it’s really such a good devotional!

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