15 Best Spring Nail Colors for 2021

Seasons are moving right along and we might as well get ourselves spring nail ready. I’m going to still be on the press on wave, I actually painted my nails for the first time in a while and it felt good. This spring I’m looking forward to having fun with my nails, and since my outfits will most likely be neutral, my nails will be that pop of color.

I recently ordered 4 sets of nails from Static Nails Official and they are definitely giving spring nail vibes. I was pleasantly surprised to see how many colors they have; I literally bounce around from different shops/brands because of lack of shapes or lack of colors. I guess Static has an advantage since they aren’t making custom sized nails, a good one size fits all is easier. Any who, grateful that there are a ton of colors to choose from. Let’s get into the 15 best spring nail colors for 2021.

15 Best Spring Nail Colors

Pastel Spring Nail Shades

Shades of Grey Spring Colors

Red and Pink Nail Colors

I think I would consider giving red nail colors a spin, especially if they are press ons; otherwise you can most likely find me in my go to pinks. I’m really color crushing on muted yellows so maybe I’ll let that same vibe carry over to my nails.

I love changing my nails as seasons change. If you’re not into super light colors or want to go against the grain, you can check out my post about 8 best fall nail polish colors.

Do you have any specific colors you love to wear in spring seasons? Do you choose colors that go with your outfits or just vibe out and have fun?

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